In east rises sun
Like wise moon in west
As, I trust that day
I can remember,
I believed you as a sun
Then I realized it as sin
A great sin
I’ve ever committed
The sin was done
As we committed
Later I realized it’s fake
I tried to make sin undone
But in vain……
In that sunny day
You needed my money
My dad’s fame
That’s it
After enjoying them
You left me alone
Far a way ooh yeah
Now, I know
You have a son
Whom you believe as sun
Daily you feed him bun
Unfortunately I had a gun
Today’s bun
Is his last bun
I’m sorry shan
Your son is gone
I sent him to heaven
Actually he should go hell
But I tell angels
I’m different from  shan
                                   -AJAY (FAW)


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